

Categorization API

Categorization API enables you to check categories of domains, plus much more information associated with the domain. All you need is an API key to access this end point. The API key is something you will get in your email once you register with Categorizer.net.
Base URL shall be as below:


API Request Example

You can query the API endpoint via a HTTP GET request:


Here is a example PHP code snippet


$api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";

$domain = "amazon.com";

$curl = curl_init("https://api.categorizer.net/d?api_key=".$api_key."&domain=".$domain);

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

$output = curl_exec($curl);


$json = json_decode($output, true);



Overwrite YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your API key which you have recieved in your registered email after registering with categorizer.


Below you can find required GET parameters to query the API:

GET FIELD : api_key Required

FIELD TYPE : string

DEFAULT : null

FIELD DESC : Your API key.

GET FIELD : domain Required

FIELD TYPE : string

DEFAULT : null

FIELD DESC : Domain to submit, i.e amazon.com


The API response is in a clean JSON format:

                    "category:"Electronics & Appliances",
                    "category":"E-commerce & Retail \/ Shopping",
                    "category":"Business & Management",

Here you can find important JSON fields explained:

JSON FIELD : data->category

FIELD TYPE : string

FIELD DESC : Shows Category for entered domain.

JSON FIELD : data->content_type

FIELD TYPE : string

FIELD DESC : Shows type of content.

JSON FIELD : data->domain

FIELD TYPE : string

FIELD DESC : entered domain.

JSON FIELD : data->status

FIELD TYPE : string

FIELD DESC : Shows api response status.


In case of an error, the JSON output will contain the status field:

                "status": "failed"

Here you can find JSON response error code explained:

530 - Invalid Api Key

550 - Required fields missing

777 - Invalid Domain Format

700 - Not signed up for Subscription plans

710 - No Active Subscription

712 - Future Subscription Start Date

715 - Subscription Expired

720 - Max Allowed query reached